Last weekend we bought the book "100 Hikes in the Central Oregon Cascades" and figured this weekend would be a great time to do one of them because the weather was suppose to be good. We chose Smith Rock because it was only a 30 minute drive from us and is only a 4 mile hike.

Monkey face . . . Stephen was really excited about this!
We also thought Hurley would just love this and the day started out this way, but proved differently in the end. The first trail we took was Misery trail and it was steep and rocky with many switchbacks. Hurley started out panting like crazy and then began to stop every so often just so he could lay down.

This is at the top of the Misery Trail.

Hurley got blisters on all of his paws and decided he wouldn't go any further.
This meant we had to take turns carring him down the trail. I only did it for 30 feet . . .

Stephen on the other hand carried him for over a mile. First over his shoulder and then in the backpack.
As you can see, Hurley didn't seem to mind that much.

A few of his blisters had popped, so we bandaged him up.